In our final episode of season 21, Kade reconnects with his long-time friend and renowned paranormal researcher, Gary Lynn. Together, they delve deep into a wide range of paranormal topics, from Yowie encounters to spiritual awakenings. They discuss Gary’s...
In this episode, Kade talks to Jack about his eerie encounter with a Yowie during the COVID lockdown in Australia. Jack shares a chilling story of an unexplained loud explosion and trees crashing down during a walk in the Jervis Bay National Park. The tale deepens as...
In this episode, Kade interviews Mark, who shares his extraordinary experiences working in remote Australia. Mark discusses his cultural shocks, initial feelings of isolation, and his terrifying encounters with paranormal phenomena. He also recounts being saved by...
Laura recounts her lifelong experiences with UFO abductions, starting from childhood encounters in Alaska and Iowa, through dramatic incidents in Wisconsin and New York. She shares detailed, harrowing memories of encounters with grey beings and enduring emotional...
Karl shares his astonishing transformation from skeptic to believer, recounting his incredible encounters with UFOs and orbs. Beginning with a series of surreal orb sightings in Beachmont in 2009, Karl’s experiences take us through multiple, mind-bending UFO...