In this episode, Kade talks to Jack about his eerie encounter with a Yowie during the COVID lockdown in Australia. Jack shares a chilling story of an unexplained loud explosion...
In this episode, Kade interviews Mark, who shares his extraordinary experiences working in remote Australia. Mark discusses his cultural shocks, initial feelings of isolation, and his terrifying encounters with paranormal...
Laura recounts her lifelong experiences with UFO abductions, starting from childhood encounters in Alaska and Iowa, through dramatic incidents in Wisconsin and New York. She shares detailed, harrowing memories of...
Karl shares his astonishing transformation from skeptic to believer, recounting his incredible encounters with UFOs and orbs. Beginning with a series of surreal orb sightings in Beachmont in 2009, Karl’s...
In this spine-chilling continuation, Ryan returns to the show to delve deeper into his terrifying experiences in what can only be described as the ‘Skinwalker Ranch of Australia.’ From vivid...
In this episode, Kade is joined by Ryan, who shares his chilling and intriguing experiences from a remote property in New South Wales, Australia. Ryan recounts a series of paranormal...
In this episode, Kade welcomes Nathan who shares his intriguing UFO encounter from 1995 in Southampton, UK. Nathan, now residing in Australia, recounts the mysterious events involving strange lights and...
In this episode, Nick shares his extraordinary experiences with the paranormal. From chilling encounters at a quarry to sensing a dark presence in his workplace, Nick’s stories are both captivating...
In the first episode of Season 21, Kade delves into an extraordinary listener’s account that intertwines personal experiences with mysterious aerial phenomena. A former farmer from Riverina, NSW, shares riveting...
In our last episode of season 20, we chat with Scott who shares his spine-chilling encounter with a Yowie in Moorpark Beach, near Bundaberg, Queensland, in September 2022. Initially moving...