For our final episode of season 17, we are diving into the voicemail to share your stories! If you...
The Hornsby UFO Encounter
It was 1975, and Roy was learning to drive with his mother in Hornsby, NSW. They were driving down...
Face to face with the Pilliga Yowie
We welcome Rod to the podcast to share the several yowie encounters he has had along with his...
The Family Poltergeist
We welcome Sam to the podcast to share the encounters her family had with an entity after playing...
Chased by a Min Min
We welcome Lewis to the podcast to share the min min light encounter he had while working out West...
Ghostly Equipment
On this episode, I am joined by good friend of the show, Anne Rzechowicz. We chat about how she...
The Bellbird Grove Yowie
We welcome Jeremy to the podcast to share the yowie encounter he and his friend had while out in...
Multiple lives and reincarnation
We welcome Brent to the podcast to share his experiences of reincarnation and how this has...
The Valentich Mystery
We welcome author George Simpson to the podcast to discuss his book “Nothing on Radar - The...
My Haunted Family
We welcome Catherine to the podcast to share the encounters her family had while living in a...