Tonight I have Nadine from Haunted Down Under joining me to discuss the world of the paranormal...
I was chased by 3 UFOs
Tonight I have Sasha joining me to tell me about a UFO encounter she had with her family while...
I almost hit a yowie with my truck
Glen’s Yowie encounter made international news when he almost hit this creature with his work...
I’m living in a haunted suburb
I have Cameron joining me and he has an incredible story to share. Cameron has been living in a...
I was face to face with a Yowie!
Tonight I have Dan joining me and Dan has had some incredible Yowie encounters. He tells us about...
Strange UFOs and missing time
Tonight I have Anna joining me and she has had a lifetime of experiences all over Australia. From...
I was stalked by two yowies
Tonight I have Attila joining me from Moonlark Media. Attila is currently filming a documentary...
I guided it to the light
Tonight I have Matt joining me and he had a really interesting ghost encounter. he had someone...
I was tormented in my own house
Tonight I have Lisa joining me on the show to tell me about the many encounters she has had in her...
I saw a baby yowie!
Tonight I have Richard joining me on the show to tell me about his Yowie encounter. Richard saw a...