Laura recounts her lifelong experiences with UFO abductions, starting from childhood encounters in...
From Skeptic to Believer
Karl shares his astonishing transformation from skeptic to believer, recounting his incredible...
UFOs and Crop Circles in Southampton
In this episode, Kade welcomes Nathan who shares his intriguing UFO encounter from 1995 in...
UFOs, Farms, and Family Mysteries
In the first episode of Season 21, Kade delves into an extraordinary listener's account that...
Mysterious Visitors: UFO Sightings and Ghostly Apparitions
In this episode, Dakin, a guest with a history of paranormal experiences and UFO encounters,...
Railways and UFO Encounters
In the episode, Greg, an ex-military man turned train driver recounts two distinct and intriguing...
Abduction & Regression ft Dylan Stuart
In this captivating episode of "Believe," Kade welcomes a special guest, Dylan Stuart, the host of...
Australia’s Response to UAP
Australia may be known for its stunning landscapes and unique wildlife, but what about the...
Australia’s Strangest UFO Encounters
On this captivating episode of Believe we dive into the enigmatic world of Australia's most...
The Valentich UFO Mystery: New Details Surface
In this episode of Believe, we are joined by renowned UFO researcher George Simpson to reveal...
Strange lights in the paddock
In this episode, we dive into a fascinating and mysterious encounter that occurred on the night of...
Tales from the voicemail #2
For our final episode of season 17, we are diving into the voicemail to share your stories! If you...
The Hornsby UFO Encounter
It was 1975, and Roy was learning to drive with his mother in Hornsby, NSW. They were driving down...
The Valentich Mystery
We welcome author George Simpson to the podcast to discuss his book “Nothing on Radar - The...
Haunted and Abducted
We welcome Mark back to the podcast to continue his journey from episode 2 of season 16. We dive...
British Army Intelligence UFO Encounter
We welcome Richard to the podcast to share his incredible UFO/USO encounter while serving as an...
Childhood Abduction
We welcome Mark to the podcast to share his story of a possible abduction experience when he was a...
Followed by multiple UFOs
We welcome Luke to the show to share the UFO encounter he had while on a road trip with his friend...
The Blood Moon UFO
We welcome Emma to the podcast to share her multiple encounters throughout her life, from seeing a...
Hunting UFOs in Australia
We welcome Doug Moffett to the podcast to discuss his journey to becoming a UFO investigator. We...
The Deafening UFO
For our first episode of season 15, we are joined by Riette who had a terrifying encounter with a...
Strange lights in Kilmore
We welcome Kaycee to the podcast to share the UFO encounter she had with her best friend on the...
They were flying in the trees
We welcome Ryan to the podcast to share the incredible encounter he had with a low flying UFO. He...
The Haunted Child Part 2
We welcome Amy back to the show to share her lifetime of paranormal and unexplainable encounters....
It landed on the hillside
We welcome Tyson to the show to share the encounter he had while working in Tasmania. Tyson was...
Surrounded by high strangeness
We welcome Neil back to the show to share some of the strange activity that is continuing to...
It flew over my car
We welcome Sarah to the show to share her incredible close encounter with a ufo in the Western...
Breaking the paradigm with J3 Films
We welcome Jon Sumple and Jack Roth from J3 Films to the podcast to share their journey of making...
They were searching for something
We welcome Gerald to the show to share the fascinating encounter he had with a UFO in the...
I was paralysed with fear
We welcome Ben to the show to share his terrifying encounter with an unknown humanoid creature in...