In this episode, we travel from Austin, Texas, to Australia to explore Shae’s extraordinary encounters with the paranormal. Originally from Dayton, Ohio, Shae shares her chilling experiences with the “boogiemen,” entities with disturbing features like large mouths and sharp teeth. Beginning at an early age, these encounters evolved from fleeting moments to unsettling manifestations that even her parents couldn’t ignore.
Shae’s story takes an unexpected turn when she connects with a tattoo artist who reveals eerily similar drawings of the creatures she encountered. This discovery sparks a realization that these experiences are common among psychic children and might signify a shifting reality.
As Shae grows, so does her understanding of these phenomena. Her encounters shift from terrifying to fascinating, culminating in unexplained aerial objects that challenge conventional physics. Shae’s experiences prompt her to ponder the connection between extraterrestrial encounters and the paranormal.
Join us for an intriguing episode that spans continents and dimensions, as Shae’s encounters provide insight into a larger, enigmatic reality.
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