Donna comes on the show to share her story of being chased by a yowie while out on a morning bike ride. This encounter might just be the closest yowie encounter we have ever heard of with it being right over the top of her!
Tracey comes on the show to share the amazing UFO encounter she had with her family back in the 90’s. They witnessed a huge football sized UFO trying to cloak itself over their property that is situated close to a military base!
Wendy comes on the show to share her amazing UFO encounter that she experienced near the Queensland city of Bundaberg. This encounter was shared her daughter and her friend. Wendy goes on to explain how this encounter has changed her view of the world.
Maree comes on the show to share her story of being lifelong abductee. We go into how these encounters started and how they have taken a darker turn as of late.
On this week’s show I am joined again by Sasha. Sasha first appeared on Believe in Season 3 and shared her amazing UFO encounters. She returns to share some of the incredible encounters her family has had throughout their life from astral travel, psychic...