Glen comes on the show to share his story of owning a possessed doll and the extreme accounts that come along with it. Glen shares how his everyday life has been turned upside down and how a house full of negative spirits has affected his family. This is just part 1 of Glen’s story with part two continuing the journey of how his wife then became possessed.
Yowie Encounters and Spiritual Journeys
In our final episode of season 21, Kade reconnects with his long-time friend and renowned...
Maybe Glen should hook up with Amy Allen of the show Dead Files. It’s a U.S. show, but they travel to sites and/or people’s homes that have extreme paranormal occurrences and help people with hauntings and possessions. I do believe she is the real deal, and maybe they would be delighted to travel to Australia for one or two of their episodes?
I wouldn’t even know how to contact them and I am not sure if they would capture anything here at the moment as the activity is very sporadic but I would be happy to talk to them about what happened to us and to meet Luca if they wanted to