For our season 12 premiere, we welcome award-winning investigative reporter and best-selling...
The lights keep returning
In episode six of season eleven, we welcome Neil to the podcast to share the experiences he is...
It flew right over us
In episode three of season eleven, we welcome Aaron to the podcast to share the incredible UFO...
UFOs and the paranormal with Damien Nott
Damien Nott returns to the podcast to share his thoughts on the connection between paranormal...
Close encounters of the fifth kind (CE5)
Dean comes on to the podcast so share a UFO experience that changed his life. From being someone...
There was a blinding white light
Lana comes on the show to share a UFO encounter she had in her teenage years. This led to a life...
Surrounded by Blue Aliens
Laura comes on the show to share the incredible encounter she had with 7 blue alien beings. She...
There were two giant UFOs!
Mathew comes on the podcast to share the UFO encounter he had in the Victorian town of Macedon....
Searching for UFOs & Yowies with Ray Doherty
Ray Doherty comes on the show to share the incredible encounter that set him on the path to...
Disclosure Round Table
This was a very special Live episode held on Facebook. I was lucky enough to be joined by Don...
The Abduction Process with Jane Pooley
Jane Pooley returns to the podcast to share her multiple abduction experiences. She shares her...
I saw a UFO over a military base
Daniel comes on the podcast to share his lifetime of UFO experiences. Daniel started having...
There was a UFO in my front yard
Ali comes on the podcast to share a terrifying experience her family had in central Victoria....
UFOs and High Strangeness with Damien Nott
Damien Nott comes on the show to share the story of his first UFO encounter at just 9 years old...
Humalien with Jane Pooley
Jane Pooley comes on the show to share her extraordinary experiences. Ever since she was a child...
Followed by a UFO
Aaron comes on the show to share some of the UFO encounters he has had on the Northern Beaches in...
Abducted for hybridization with Jon Sumple
Jon Sumple comes on the show to discuss his new documentary Extraordinary: The Seeding. In...
Something landed in the paddock
Pat joins us to share the many incredible UFO encounters he has had on his parents farm. From...
I’ve been followed by UFO’s my whole life
Chris comes on the show to share her very unique life story. She has been encountering UFOs her...
UFO chased by fighter jets
Michael has had multiple UFO encounters throughout his life all over the world. We start with a...
It was as big as a football field!
Tracey comes on the show to share the amazing UFO encounter she had with her family back in the...
It was hovering over my house!
Wendy comes on the show to share her amazing UFO encounter that she experienced near the...
I’ve been abducted my entire life
Maree comes on the show to share her story of being lifelong abductee. We go into how these...
I’ve seen Shadow People and UFOs
On this week's show I’m joined by Ken who has a lifetime of paranormal encounters. From UFO’s,...
We got too close to UFO disclosure
On this week’s episode I am joined by my good friend Attila. He comes on the show to share his...
Giant V-Shaped UFO in Victoria
On this week's episode I am joined by Josh. Josh had an incredible encounter with a huge V-shaped...
UFOs & Yowies with Don Meers (Australien Skies)
On this week's episode I am joined by Don Meers. Don produced and directed Australien Skies 1 and...
Missing time and multiple abductions
Tonight I have Steve joining me on the show to share some of his encounters. He has had a life...
I was chased by 3 UFOs
Tonight I have Sasha joining me to tell me about a UFO encounter she had with her family while...
Strange UFOs and missing time
Tonight I have Anna joining me and she has had a lifetime of experiences all over Australia. From...